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January 18, 2018Surf Expo 2018 Orlando, FL
January 26, 2018Hello again Florida Shopping Guide readers, it’s nice to have you back!
This week we are in Orlando covering the Surf Expo 2018 at the Orange County Convention Center and while resting at the hotel, I decided to watch some TV, to my surprise the were showing Rocky I and II! I say surprise because these might be the most played movies in the history of TV.
I joke about the movie, but I can’t get tired of watching them every time they go on TV. One of the things I like about the Rocky movies is that he always include a motivational message on the movie. Stallone himself is an example of motivation and perseverance.
In the early 70’s Stallone was broke, trying to make it as an actor. He even had to sell his dog because he was not able to feed him. One day he went to see a Muhamed Ali fight Chuck Wepner, Ali won the fight but it went the distance and Wepner even knocked him down. Stallone was inspired by that fight and 3 days later he had Rocky’s script finished.
He showed the script to some producers and they loved it, they offered him $360,000, but there was one problem, he wanted to be the main character. Don’t forget he was broke and believe it or not, he denied the offer. At the time, he had $160 in the bank, no car and no dog!
He eventually had an offer of a million dollars for the movie and they allowed him to play the role. After the movie was finished and it was showed in theaters, it raised over $200 million dollars and won 3 Oscars including Best Picture.
One thing that impacted me was that he went back and paid $15,000 to the guy that bought his dog to get it back. Yes, that’s the dog that he has on Rocky one.
One thing that we must learn from Rocky is that even when life hits us hard, we must stand up and fight. In our businesses we are going to face competitors that will hit hard, but we have to keep coming back and fight. Even when they think we lost the fight they won’t believe when they see us standing up and asking for one more round.
One day we’ll look back and realize it was the best decision we ever made.
Come back soon, we’ll let you know how it went on the Surf Expo!