How to Choose a Veterinarian?
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Island Ceviche with Tropical Fruit Recipe
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As a small business owner you have probably advertised in magazines, newspapers, radio stations, and maybe even TV but did you get the results you wanted? A quarter of a page size ad on any private magazine starts at around $240 monthly. This kind of ads reach costumers that may or may not be looking for your product. You pay an equal or greater amount on community newspapers that are on black and white printing, and are also free for the people, but you rely on who picks it up because most of the time it will last week’s sitting on a stand at many different stores only to end up in the garbage when the new publication comes.
What do you do when you receive advertising by mail? Most people set it aside and never look at it or they simply throw it away. Now, you paid so much money on that mailing and it went straight to the trash can. Two things are wrong with that: your hard earned money went to waste and we killed yet another tree for no reason.
LET’S GO GREEN. By advertising your business online, you won’t only save money but you will be a part of businesses helping to save the environment. “Going Green” means practicing an environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible lifestyle as well as making decisions to help protect the environment and sustain natural resources. So by all means, join the movement, make a decision to help protect the environment NOW. LET’S GO GREEN!!!
Online advertising gives you the ability to target the ideal prospects. As marketers, being successful requires staying in front of your customers; most of your customers are online, so why aren’t you already online? Internet Marketing gives you access to a global audiences, and audiences that are looking for your products because chances are that if they are online and come across your business they have been researching for what you have to offer, you will be able to interact more efficiently with your clients. It also means your ads can be working for you 24 hours a day. The options are practically limitless when it comes to your reach capabilities when you take your campaign online.
It’s hard to be on that first page of Google, even working hard on the SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Being a part of the Florida Shopping Guide Online Magazine Business Directory, helps your ranking on Google with 6 links directed to your Website and you are segregated by categories that will pop up on major searches, at Florida Shopping Guide we don’t care about positions on Google because our target marketing goes straight to thousands of subscribers to our website and we only advertise our member businesses.
This means that there could be thousands of pages of your business category at Google, Bing or the Yellow Pages, but at FLSG there will only be space for 15 businesses per category and County, meaning you will always be on the first page.
I’m not telling you to stop advertising your business offline so you can start advertising your business with us. But think about it: you can only do so much offline, you can only provide a limited amount of information, and you will not be able to interact with your client as much as you should be.
Offline advertising is only the beginning to a great journey. Be part of that journey with us, for only $19.99 a month, you will receive great outcomes for such an inexpensive ad rate. What FLSG has to offer you is hard to find, don’t let this chance slip out of your hands, remember only 15 businesses per category are allowed.