East Coast Pest Control & Fertilization
East Coast Pest Control Fertilization is a locally owned and operated pest control service. We’re licensed to provide residential and commercial pest control services in Florida. East Coast Pest Control Fertilization was established to provide professional extermination services....Read more...
Address: 110 SE 6 St #1701, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Address: 110 SE 6 St #1701, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Tel. (954)471-38961
Website: www.ecpestcontrol.com

Bug Off Exterminators, Inc.
Bug Off Exterminators guarantees same-day response, a free inspection, thorough interior treatments and protection against all insects. Protection against ants, roaches, mice, rats, water bugs, palmetto bugs and more. Elimination of termite infestations and ongoing protection against....Read more...
Address: 1064 NW 54th St., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 333309

Address: 1064 NW 54th St., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 333309
Tel. (954) 772-8338
Website: www.bugoffexterminatorsflorida.com

Guarantee Floridian Pest Control
Florida Pest Control is THE South Florida pest control company for all your pest extermination and prevention needs. From Homestead to Jupiter including Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties, we have given our commercial and residential clients peace of mind...Read more...
Address: Click for locations!
Address: Click for locations!
Tel. (305)758.1811
Website: www.miami.flapest.com