Peak Physique & Performance
We offer Private, Semi-Private and Small Group Personal Training in our modern and well-equipped loft-style personal training studio on Biscayne Blvd. You’ll find a clean and distraction-free environment and never any contracts or monthly fees! Our studio offers a wide range of professional cardiovascular.....Read more...
Address: 350 NE 24th St. #102, Miami, FL 33137

Address: 350 NE 24th St. #102, Miami, FL 33137
Tel. (305)674-8435
Website: www.ppptraining.com

David Barton Gym
David Barton Gym’s Downtown provides a focused, one on one physical fitness environment to do the exercise and workouts necessary to “Look Better Naked.” Founded by fitness legend David Barton, David Barton Gym provides local residents with specific workouts and personal training....Read more...
Address: 200 S. Biscayne Blvd, 15th Fl., Miami, FL 33131

Address: 200 S. Biscayne Blvd, 15th Fl., Miami, FL 33131
Tel. (305)519-3442
Website: www.davidbartongym.com