Just Dance It
Address: 11493 SW 40th St., Miami, Florida 33165
Tel. (305)552-5774
Website: www.justdanceit.net

Donna Lee Studio of Dance
Address: 61 NE 14th St, Homestead, FL 33030
Tel. (305)247-3826
Website: www.donnaleestudioofdance.com

Scarlett's Center Stage
Address: 8929 SW 129th St Miami, FL 33176
Tel. (305)979-7312
Website: www.scarlettscenterstage.com

Dance Studios in South Florida are an integral part of their proposal for the creation of the Art Culture in South Florida. Critical to this plan is the establishment of Dance Schools, where students would be trained in the artistic innovations of what was anticipated to become an American dance tradition, and would ultimately lead to the creation of the world’s leading dance companies in South Florida.
Today, the Schools of Dance in South Florida continue to work toward an Dance traditions fully reflective of the society it aims to represent. As an undeniably intrinsic, important, and visible aspect of American life, Miami Dance Academies consider the artistic representation of cultural and racial diversity as essential, and therefore regards an official, organization-wide focus on cultivating such diversity as but a natural extension of their mission: to train exceptional dancers in of all ages in South Florida.
Known as premier training dance academies whose graduates are poised to join and ultimately head dance organizations worldwide, Dance Academies believe that they must be proactive in assuring access to its auditions and training, as well as in providing the necessary financial, developmental, and social support for qualified students of all backgrounds. The Schools are cognizant of the scope of its influence in any dance genre, and therefore sees themselves as responsible for setting a tone of inclusivity and access within its practices, with the ultimate goal of affecting the racial and ethnic composition of professional stages worldwide.
South Florida Dance Crews current Diversity Initiative, are truly the continuation of decades of community-focused outreach and a long-standing tradition of support for talented dancers of all backgrounds.